To what extent are clinicians informed when it comes to making an end-of-life decision?

The Coma Science Group (GIGA Consciousness) in collaboration with the University of Hasselt (Healthcare & Ethics) has recently launched a survey titled “To what extent are clinicians informed when it comes to making an end-of-life decision?”, which targets clinicians involved in the clinical care of patients with DoC.

The Objective of the survey is to assess how informed clinicians are when suggesting/deciding on (dis)continuation of life-support treatments in patients with disorders of consciousness (DoCs). In particular, the survey investigate clinicians’ familiarity with DoC (from a diagnostic/prognostic point of view), and with current legal regulations on (dis)continuation of life_sustaining treatment.

If you or any of your colleagues are interested in participating in this study, please find the link to the online survey here, it takes approximatively 15/20 minutes.

Participation is, of course, completely voluntary and will not affect in any way your relationship with the investigators or our team.

The Coma Science Group thank you for your consideration.

click here to fill out the survey

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